family chiropractor baby wellness

Hi, I’m DR Demi COONEY

I am a holistic family Chiropractor and mother who understands the drive to support the health of myself and growing family.

I believe that optimal health is a journey not a destination and this journey doesn’t start at the moment we are born but rather it is a cycle that has been going on for generations. Children mirror their care givers, so my hope is to empower the individuals who I care for to make health decisions that will enhance the health for generations to come.

Womb to Wellness came about through the idea that when a woman is pregnant with a daughter, she is also carrying her grandchildren. We know without a doubt that our environment influences our genetic and life expression so in order to support the health of our future we must look to support our own health in the now.

Womb to Wellness is an inclusive space for families and individuals to come, connect and feel at peace in their bodies. No matter your age or stage of life, I am here to support you on your path from Womb to Wellness.

My Approach

nervous system health chiropractor healing

Your nervous system is your master control system. It receives information from your environment through your senses, processes this information and delivers signals to every muscle, organ, gland in your body to carry out an action or response. When there is tension or restriction of the muscles and joints of your spine it affects how your brain is able to communicate with your body and in turn how you heal and feel.

I take a holistic approach to your health by delving into the WHY? Your why is a combination of physical, chemical and emotional stress/load that your nervous system is trying to navigate to maintain health. Just like an over flowing bucket if there is too much stress on your nervous system it begins to move into a state of overwhelm which affects how you feel and heal.